Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reaching out...

I have a friend who is going through some health issues right now that are seriously impacting her life. She's the type that has it together and takes care of business, so she doesn't really like to ask for help. I've been casually offering assistance, not wanting to offend her, but she has not been biting. Last night I was thinking, why won't she just ask for my help- especially when I've been offering it?

And then it hit me...

I am needing help and have been unwilling to ask for it. I am going through a tough time right now, and they are people out there who can help- who want to help.

So, I am going to be humble and ask God and you for some assistance. As you know, things have kind of stalled out here with The Love Dare. It's not because I've given up or don't care about it anymore. It is just getting very difficult for me. Which is the whole point I think.

Day 15 is Love is Honorable. The book basically states that we should see our mates as "holy". Respect them in the highest regard. It's not that I have a problem with respecting him, but I don't believe that it will be returned. Which is selfish and the chapter even addresses that issue. It says love honors even when it's rejected. I'm having a hard time getting my heart in the right place.

To be honest, I think I've really slipped off the work I've done for weeks now. I don't know how to get back on track. I've broken some of the fighting rules, I've been negative, and I have been selfish.

So, I am irrevocably human and make mistakes. I need your help to get back on track. Any advice, ideas, ANYTHING. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. hey only advice is just to push through. you have the awareness to see what's going on which puts you far ahead of most...just don't give up or give in. you started this book, now finish it. and the same is true of the individual things you've started. this is as much about you as the pushing through and following through with what you start...for the good of the relationship, and for the good of you, the person--the wife.
    love ya!



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