Friday, May 28, 2010


No, not that kind of upgrade!

I'm talking about my blog folks!  After writing on the world wide web for several years, it looks like I finally have a viable audience!  I say it's all thanks to HYC!  It brought so many new readers to my blog, AND introduced me to so many fabulous blogs I had NO clue about. 

My follower count has gone from 1 follower (You Rock Amber) to nearly 20 in just about a week!  And sitemeter shows that there are many more visitors than followers!  Not that I do this all for the glory, but it's kinda cool knowing that people are actually reading my ramblings.

In any case, I'm taking this blog much more seriously now.  I now have my own Facebook page!  (You should come be a fan!)  And I'm going to be working on a face lift over the weekend and I'll be coming up with a game plan for posting!  Wow, I feel like such a grown-up blogger now.

You should go check out the 100 in 365 tab.  I put some picturas up in there for your viewing pleasure!  (P.S. I live in South Texas, so it's okay for me to throw in some espanol... We call it Tex-Mex)  I plan to update pictures and measurements once a month!

If you have any suggestions as to what you'd like to see me do with my blog (i.e. content, posts, etc.), I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. I only follow people worth following!! he-he :) I do love reading your blog---you are a great writer, and I totally feel all your emotion in each entry---you rock! :)



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