Anyone who knows me very well or has read my blog very long can tell you that I have many goals. There are many things that I hope to do in regards to myself, my home, my family. The problem is that I never seem to reach these goals.
The problem isn't a lack of motivation, rather it's an issue of being overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of it all. And being overwhelmed usually leads to me not doing anything at all which of course only exacerbates the issues at hand.
While I have MANY goals, I realized a few months ago that I have to get my household and routine in order before I will be able to tackle anything else. Maybe some people can do it the other way around, but I have finally figured out that I need the structure in my home in order to function well at everything else.
So I've worked for the last few months at it and have honestly gotten NO where and just more frustrated in the process. I've tried to figure out how things got so crazy and that's when I remembered something crucial: I used to have one week, two week, three month breaks when I was teaching that I used to catch up on organization, cleaning, and paper clutter. I don't have that anymore, but I've never put something in it's place.
I think I have a plan to shake things up a bit!
Starting tomorrow, I will be spending the next 5 days cleaning, organizing, and restoring my sanity. I originally wanted to take an entire week off work and utilize the weekends before and after, but that didn't work out.
I'm praying that I will be able to stay focused and determined to meet my goals. I'm sure I won't be able to complete EVERYTHING I'd like to do, but I hope it will be enough to allow us to make some new routines and live a less chaotic lifestyle.
Oh, and I keep getting the prompting to ask for help, so if you feel like teaching me- I'd really appreciate the assistance!
You are too funny - all the time reading this I kept saying - I need to call her to offer help:) I can come either Mon or Wed morning from 9ish til 11 - while Jack is in preschool:) Diane